The Justice Foundations Series
Image: “Mary Don't You Weep" by Anne Weirich
Who is the Justice Foundations Series for?
This series provides a theological primer on justice in our world today. Many who choose to sign up for one of the JFS Courses do so in order to become more effective as allies, activists and leaders in the justice concerns in their community and the world.
The Courses of the Justice Foundations Series are designed to be used in two ways:
By Self-Directed Learners who desire to work the material at their own pace with minimal support.
As learners who are working through the material as a part of a group with facilitators who are not on the JCSTS staff but who have worked through the material themselves and are confident about supporting other learners in their community.
How is the Series Organized?
JCSTS uses an intuitive, online learning platform to provide an easy-to-follow curriculum for our learners. Though our courses involve engagement with cutting edge thinking and organizing, they are intentionally designed to be accessible to those without formal theological or academic training.
JFS courses are designed to be completed in varying lengths of time, but they average about six weeks. We encourage our Learning Partners (that’s JFS for “students”) to follow the pace of the material as offered. Even though enthusiastic Learning Partners could complete the content more quickly, we believe that it is useful to all for learning that takes place in unseen ways – as we daydream, or sleep at night, or have informal conversations with friends
There is no formal evaluation, grade or certificate offered by JCSTS in the Justice Foundations Series. Learning Partners are responsible for assessing their progress through the JFS. Opportunities are provided for even self-directed learners to share with and learn from others who are working similar content.
What Courses are Offered?
If you are looking for a primer to help you sort out the theological questions around systems of White supremacy or to prepare you to be a more effective ally in dismantling structural racism, “Awakening to Structural Racism” is for you.
This course is designed for anyone who identifies as Christian or is especially curious about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It is built on content created for an online course originally offered in August of 2020, and the content is influenced by the context of the uprisings that swept the country in the wake of the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.
Each unit in the course is roughly equivalent to a week’s worth of material in a more traditional classroom. It consists of the following:
Homework assignments of podcasts, videos, and readings
A biblical study offered by a JCSTS colleague
A “Main Content” lesson excerpted from the course offered by JCSTS in 2020
Questions offered to help learners reflect on what they are experiencing
A weekly, facilitated Discussion Session by zoom to share ideas and learn with others
Future Blocks
Underpinnings of Systemic Poverty
Civil Initiative and the Engaged Church
For more information, contact us!
What is our Learning Management Platform? offers easy access to JCSTS courses. Once you register for a course, you will be given a password and access to your own account to manage your JCSTS Learning Experience and to engage other Learning Partners as well as the JCSTS Facilitator for your course of study.
Although the Justice Foundations Series is designed for self-directed study, we believe that most learning experiences are enhanced by the opportunity to share ideas with other Learning Partners. To that end, JFS Learning Partners are welcome to participate in an online, weekly discussion session, facilitated by JCSTS. Learning Partners will also have the opportunity through to read reflections offered by others who are engaging the material, as well as to offer their own reflections.
What does it Cost to Enroll?
The full cost of the Awakening to Structural Racism Course is $120.00. JCSTS is committed to assuring that everyone has access to our courses. The Justice Foundations Series is offered on a sliding fee scale. The guide below will help potential Learning Partners determine an appropriate amount to pay for their learning experience.
In some instances, the JFS material will focus on what is a lived experience for particular Learning Partners whose identity as “de-centered” (or marginalized) in the dominant culture. In those cases, there will be a special invitation for those Learning Partners to enroll at no financial cost.
Sliding Fee Scale Guidelines:
Learning Partners can set their payment using the following sliding fee scale:
JFS$90scholarship – Individual Income above $30,000 per year or assets below $50,000 are asked to pay $30 for the course.
JFS$60scholarship – Individual Income above $40,000 per year or assets above $50,000 are encouraged to pay $60 for the course.
JFS$30scholarship – Individual Income above $50,000 per year or assets above $ 100,000 are asked to pay $90 for the course
Individual Income above $75,000 per year or assets above $200,000 are encouraged to pay the full $120 for the course – no promo code necessary.
Before clicking to register, please determine the appropriate code for your financial position. When you register, you will see the full price of the Block initially, but you will have the opportunity at the end of the process (just before the final step of payment) to enter the above promo code for a discount to set your fee appropriately.