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MLK Drum Major for Justice Scholars Program


Practice Activity: Christ and Culture Knowledge Grid


A knowledge grid is a table or chart in which data and metadata can be expressed in short phrases and keywords. The purpose of the knowledge grid is to help students categorize, compare, interpret, and apply significant (sometimes conflicting) information. Within the PDF document, you will find a knowledge grid designed to help you think about the interaction between your church or ministry context and others you may be trying to engage. 


Download the grid, fill it out, and email your finished document by clicking here. You may submit either a scanned image or a photograph taken with your phone.



You have recently been invited by your church’s leadership council to give a presentation on the various ways the church might relate to its larger cultural context. To focus your response, select words or short phrases to complete the knowledge grid.


Click here to download the knowledge grid.


*** Estimated time to complete learning activity: 60 minutes **

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