Breonna Taylor
An Open Discussion
JCSTS seeks to facilitate a conversation about white-body supremacy and structures of racism and poverty into the heart of what it means to be the church in this time.
Please make time to listen to the following podcasts and feel free to use them for your own background, sermons, and inspiration as you address your communities and congregations.
From the Podcast produced by The New York Times “The Daily”
The Killing of Breonna Taylor, Part 1 (September 9, 2020)
The Killing of Breonna Taylor, Part 2 (September 10, 2020)
On the Ground in Louisville (September 24, 2020)
From the NPR Radio Show “Here and Now” (available on the Here and Now Podcast)
Interview with Ibram X Kendi beginning 4 minutes, 28 seconds into the show, and finishing at 10 minutes 53 seconds into the show.